
Sabbath morning. I didn’t know what head dress to wear – My regular hat, the “Kova Tembel” I had bought from Israel or a Yarmulke. I decided on the latter. […]

The Haggadah, which is reproduced here, was printed in Offenbach, Germany, in 1722. It is largely the product of one family: Grandfather, father and son. The commentaries and discussions of […]

An Old Saying There is an old saying which sums up the Jew’s values and way of life:  Takhlit Hayamim—Halaylot (the purpose of the days are the nights); Takhlit HaLaylot—Shabbatot […]

Twenty-five years ago he was known in the Yeshiva world of Israel as the “Ilui from London”.  Now, at the young age of 48, he is regarded as one of […]

In a few weeks it will be five years since the death of Rabbi Eliyahu Lopian, the great, revered Mussar leader.  He was ninety-four years of age at the time […]

Mayor of Bnei Brak  According to Don Isaac Abravanel in his commentary on the Passover Haggadah, Bnei Brak mentioned in the story of the five sages was not the name […]

“The Hebrew word “pras” means prize, reward.  It also means a part of something, a piece.  On the occasion it means both—it is a prize, but it is only part […]