Articles by Pearl (Preschel) Herzog

The Best Accommodations The Story of World-Class Hostess, Jennie Grossinger With her hardworking spirit and genuine interest in every person, Jennie Grossinger turned her family’s wildly successful resort into a […]

by Pearl Herzog The first Purim ever to be celebrated with the eating of hamantashen made with povidl (prune and plum jam) is believed to have taken place in 1731 […]

There is a custom practiced by descendants of the Baal Shem Tov and his students to observe an annual seudas hoda’ah on the last day of Pesach, in celebration of […]

By Pearl Herzog The city of Pinsk, under the sovereignty of Belarus since 1991 and devoid of Yiddishkeit for many decades, is at present experiencing a Jewish renaissance. Pinsk and […]