Palmyra has been in the news recently because of its capture by ISIS. Located in central Syria, about 130 miles northeast of Damascus, the historical treasures of the millenia-old city […]
Palmyra has been in the news recently because of its capture by ISIS. Located in central Syria, about 130 miles northeast of Damascus, the historical treasures of the millenia-old city […]
Almost three hundred years ago the Jewish community of Lemberg (Lvov) was traumatized when two of its spiritual leaders, the Av Beis Din, Rabbi Chaim ben Yizchok Halevi Reizes and […]
Shortly after the Six Day War, Col. Mordechai Gur, who commanded the paratroop brigade with liberated the Old City of Jerusalem was appointed military advisor of the Israeli delegation in […]
One of Them was Jewish In 1947, Palestine Jewry’s underground struggle against the British — which ultimately forced them to turn the Palestine Problem over to the UN– reached its […]
Soon after Israeli troops entered the Old City of Jerusalem, an army jeep was sent to the Kerem Abraham Quarter of the modern city to take Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Kook […]
The Jewish Historical Museum of Belgrade was founded after World War II by survivors of the Holocaust who felt it their duty to collect material on the crimes against the […]
1. Two features distinguish the Daf Yomi: The daily learning of the Blatt Gemara, resulting in the completion of the whole of Shas in a period of over seven years, […]