
  The Potuguese Jewish community of Amsterdam — founded early in the seventeenth century by Marranos from Spain and Portugal was for a long period the largest and most wealthy […]

The eighteenth century saw a renaissance of the illuminated manuscript Haggadah. During that period about 240 printed editions of the Haggadah appeared, but illuminated handwritten Haggadoth were also used. Evidence […]

Minhagei Amsterdam, a book about the customs and regulations of Ashkenazi Jews in Amsterdam, was published a short time ago by Machon Yerushalayim. The book carries a lengthy introduction by […]

The Haggadah, which is reproduced here, was printed in Amsterdam in 1662. It was modeled on Haggadoth published in Venice several decades earlier. In 1599 an illustrated Haggadah, reflected the […]